Christ The King RC Primary School - To Work Is To Pray


Wonder, Believe, Shine & Achieve - Welcome to Year 5!


Autumn Term

This term in Year 5 we will explore the world of Ancient Greece. Through ‘Mantle of the Expert’, the children will be commissioned to design and create a museum exhibition based on a discovery of a Spartan soldier. Most of our key learning will link to this throughout our writing, history, geography, ICT, art and D and T.

In RE, we will explore ‘Ourselves’ and how we are made in the image and likeness of God. Then during our topic on ‘Life choices’ we will continue to understand the Sacraments, including Confirmation and Marriage.

In Maths, we will develop our knowledge and understanding of place value, with numbers to 1,000,000. We will continue to develop our learning in all four number operations and deepen our understanding of fractions.

In Science, we will study ‘Living things and their habitats’, where we learn about the differences and similarities of life cycles and ‘Forces’, where we will deepen our knowledge of friction, air resistance and water resistance.  



Both English and Maths is set weekly. Please hand in by Friday.

Spellings are in books and on Spelling Shed. Tests on Friday.

Please encourage your child to read regularly and access TT Rock Stars as much as possible.