King's Kids
The first step is to book and pay for your child/children through ParentPay a week in advance (you can book a month or term in advance if this fits in better with you) as we have limited spaces and we need to protect the future running of the Club.
Breakfast Club
Parents/Carers to be buzzed in as normal and to make their way to the King’s Kids' door. A staff member will arrive to collect the child and no parents/carers are permitted to enter.
After School Club
Parents/Carers need to wait until they are buzzed in at the school gate and then are kindly requested to wait at the King’s Kids' door for their child to be brought to them.
The latest pick up is 5.30pm. Club will close promptly at this time. Please do not be any later than this to pick up your child.
If you are new to King’s Kids, or have any questions or concerns, please email me (Mrs Litherland) on
Thank you and kind regards
Mrs Litherland
(Breakfast and After School Club Manager)
Mrs Potts