Christ The King RC Primary School - To Work Is To Pray


Your child’s online safety education

Our children will be studying a unit of work based on Play Like Share, an animated series about online safety produced by Thinkuknow.

Thinkuknow is an award-winning education programme from the National Crime Agency’s child protection command, CEOP.  It aims to keep children safe from abuse, both online and off.

Thinkuknow education resources are age-appropriate, non-scaremongering, and give children the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to stay safe online.  These resources are used by over three and a half million children across the UK each year.

Parents and Carers can find plenty of advice and support about keeping your child safe online at the Thinkuknow Parents and Carers Website (see our website link).  Further advice can be found in the Play Like Share Parents and Carers Helpsheet (see our downloadable resource).

Each year we take in Safer Internet Day.