Christ The King RC Primary School - To Work Is To Pray


Wonder, Believe, Shine & Achieve - Welcome to Year 4!

Autumn Term

Our topic this term is ‘The Romans’, looking at their impact on Britain. We will be studying the Roman Empire, Julius Caesar, attempted invasions and British resistance. In Geography, we will be studying Italy, particularly Rome, and its human and geographical features. We will also be using maps, atlases and globes to locate the counties and cities of the United Kingdom and some countries in the world. 


In English, we will be looking at various poets, both classic and modern, and writing stories, recounts, biographies and persuasive texts. We will also be investigating expanded noun phrases, plurals and the correct use of apostrophes to mark plural and singular possession. Additionally, we will explore characters through inference. Our class readers this term are Charlotte’s Web by E B White and Varjak Paw by S F Said.

In Maths, we will be working on number and place value (4 digit and 5 digit numbers), addition and subtraction, perimeter and multiplication and division, using the Power Maths scheme.

In Science, we will be looking at animals including humans, with a focus on and investigations about the digestive system and teeth.

Spellings and times tables will both be tested on a Friday morning. The children are encouraged to access TT Rock Stars at home in order to practise their times tables. 



Homework will not be given each week, as the children should be using that time to focus on learning their times tables and weekly spellings. Topic related homework will be given on a half-termly basis.